International and national collaboration, at the end of the day, is essential when it comes to developing a somewhat consistent approach to the speciality. Nurses across the profession have been saying this for quite some time. If you work with a nurse agency or if you are part of a quality nursing recruitment agency, you will know what a huge impact this can have on care jobs or on carers in general. In a single session, nurses chose to talk about how important it is to have speciality certification for those who want to pursue an advanced practice within their speciality. They also want to help people to get the support that they need. During the session, the professor talked about the global demand for the practice nurses while saying that they need to have a lot of support in regard to their advances. Certification has been done to try and make sure that the workforce is strengthened across the world and that there is a lot of variances in the definition of education as a whole. The study has not been published yet but they heard from 72 advanced nurses who have stakeholders across the world. Researchers have now said that they are going to be looking at practice nurses in a bit more of a broader sense and that they are now exploring speciality roles for those who work as clinical specialists. They have said that there was a lot of agreement about how important this kind of certification was. At the end of the day, this is a great movement and there are hopes that it is going to materialise into a very positive movement for the nursing sector. Be sure to keep up with this story if you want to know more as it is going to really take off.